

Premier ministre du Royaume de Thaïlande

Thailand’s National Commitments for S4SD Summit

1. “Further integrate children and youth’s health and well-being literacy, including health promotion and mental health, into school curriculum, primary health care and universal health coverage schemes in order to provide them with information and know-how on promoting good physical and mental health as well as prevention and control of all health risks.”

2.1 Sport, education and employment
“Promote quality sports and harness its benefits in providing lifelong learning and career opportunities for individuals who might not have access to formal education.”

2.2 Sport, equality and inclusion
“Promote equal opportunities for women and girls in all sports, including providing additional resources and support to encourage and sustain their participation.”

3. “Commit to promote sports as inclusive enabler of peaceful co-existence and sustainable development without leaving anyone behind, especially women, elderly people, youth, and people with disabilities.”